In the last couple weeks I’ve been chasing this weird daydream of writing scripts that directly talk to the LLVM compiler backend library, thus making software without a compiler frontend. Each script would be its own tiny frontend. My plan was this would let me jump directly into the "interesting bits" of programming language development. I wrote a couple of blog posts about this project, but so far those posts have only been about me learning to use LLVM. I’ve sort of got a handle on that now, so it’s time for next steps.
Here’s what "next steps" means to me: Normally, if you were developing a programming language with LLVM, you’d design an "abstract syntax tree" that roughly captures the semantics of the language you are designing. You’d design a syntax that reduces to your AST, and then you’d write code to reduce your AST to the IR ("intermediate representation") that the LLVM library consumes. What I imagine is that in my not-a-compiler experiments, I’d still have an AST, just my program would be directly constructing the AST as a data structure in memory instead of building it from a textual representation (or in other words: a "programming language"). This would let me try out different programming language semantics without having to pick a syntax. Once I’ve settled on a semantics, I could grow a syntax around it.
Or… maybe not? The thing that makes this idea seem "weird" and not just developing a language compiler piecemeal is the thought that maybe I could never bother with the syntax and just do entire projects by writing these scripts that generate ASTs as data structures. In the Haskell world they have this very specific meaning to the word "DSL"— normally that’s short for "domain specific language" and refers to writing a little language as a helper for some task, but what Haskell users like to do is design little sub-languages entirely out of idiomatic Haskell. They inject a few functions and operators (in Haskell also functions) into a namespace and call only those, and because Haskell has flexible syntax and a weird compiler this is as good as writing a whole new language compiler. I think what I want to do is create a library that effectively constructs that kind of DSL within Lua. I’d be writing software and my "programming language" would be an idiomatic Lua that, when executed by the Lua interpreter, generates my program’s executable.
What I’ve been doing so far is something a little similar— instead of designing an AST and constructing it in memory, I treat the in-memory representation of LLVM IR as if it were my "AST" and construct that in memory. This works okay, but it is clumsy. It’s clumsy first off because it is a clumsy thing to be doing— LLVM IR is basically assembly— and second off because my setup for calling the builder functions is a little clumsy. Whatever I build next will be based on the LLVM wrapper I’ve been using so far, so before I move on I should make my LLVM wrapper at least nice to use.
First things first: The version of LLVM I’ve been using doesn’t exist. I downloaded LLVM from MacPorts, and the newest version they had listed was 3.9, so I installed that. It turns out 3.9 hasn’t been released yet and I’m using code from LLVM’s development branch. (Jeremy is very thorough.) This is pretty bad for my purposes because apparently 3.9 still has significant API changes planned before official release, so if I check out this code on a new computer in two years and try to build it it won’t work. No good. Easy to fix though: I download a copy of LLVM 3.8, repeat the process of handmaking Lua bindings from my first blog post, and rename the 3.9 bindings to indicate it’s a particular beta version. When running the script you now have a choice of LLVM wrappers, 3_8 or 3_9-r259341.
Second off: again, these wrappers are clumsy. Here’s a stretch of code from my last blog post:
local valueDeref = LLVM.LLVMBuildLoad(builder.llvm.builder, value, "ValueDeref")
local divisorDeref = LLVM.LLVMBuildLoad(builder.llvm.builder, divisor, "DivisorDeref")
-- printf divisor
local printfArgs ="LLVMValueRef [2]")
printfArgs[0] = LLVM.LLVMBuildGlobalStringPtr(builder.llvm.builder, "%d ", "tmpstring")
printfArgs[1] = divisorDeref
LLVM.LLVMBuildCall(builder.llvm.builder, printfFn, printfArgs, 2, "tmpcall");
There is a bunch of repetition and boilerplate here. LLVM.LLVM
and builder.llvm.builder
appear over and over. A lot of the vertical space is taken up by the
idiom, which I have to use over and over because the C functions accept C arrays, not Lua lists, and this
thing is how you make a C array in Lua. This all makes the code hard to read and therefore bugs hard to spot. There are some things I can do about this.
is annoying
I’m using LLVM through the C interface. Because C has no namespacing, LLVM-C attempts to be a good citizen by prefixing every single symbol it exports (functions, structures, enums, everything) with "LLVM". Because Lua does have namespacing, it quarantines all the imported symbols inside the LLVM table. This means "LLVM.LLVM" is repeated endlessly throughout my code, like a constant background static.
I can fix this using weird metatable magic. In Lua (unless you’re using the C FFI) the sole data structure is the table, which is a built-in dictionary backed by a hashtable or something. Object-like capabilities are offered using something called the "metatable"; each table may have an invisibly associated partner table containing a set of standardized functions, which get invoked when the interpreter hits an exceptional case while working with the real table. Functions that can be in the metatable include __index
, which is called if a key is not found, or __newindex
, which is called before adding a new key binding, or __add
, which is called if you attempt to use arithmetic +
on a table (normally illegal). The normal use of metatables is to emulate object-oriented programming; you can easily design a class system or prototype system and emulate it using the metatables. At core though an empty table with a custom metatable is basically a magical thing where a custom function gets called anytime you read from it, write to it, or do arithmetic on it.
Here’s what I’m going to use this for:
-- Pass this one of the metatables below
function emptyWithMetatable(metatable)
local table = {}
setmetatable(table, metatable)
return table
-- Transforms table.someCall into LLVM.LLVMSomeCall
llvmMetatable = {
__index = function(_, key)
return LLVM["LLVM" .. capitalize(key)]
llvm = emptyWithMetatable(llvmMetatable)
The llvm
object is empty, so every attempt to read from it invokes the __index
function; the __index
function capitalizes the lookup key and prepends "LLVM". In other words, saying llvm.int32Type
is now equivalent to saying LLVM.LLVMInt32Type
Actually, I can do a little better than this— the code above means on every single LLVM function call we’ll be doing a string manipulation on the name, which is less efficient than it could be. But I can add a higher-order function and:
-- Wrap an __index function in this and it will cache the results in the table,
-- such that your __index function will only be called once per unique index.
local function cacheAndReturn(fn)
return function(table, key)
local value = fn(table, key)
table[key] = value
return value
-- Transforms table.someCall into LLVM.LLVMSomeCall
llvmMetatable = {
__index = cacheAndReturn(function(_, key)
return LLVM["LLVM" .. capitalize(key)]
llvm = emptyWithMetatable(llvmMetatable)
That might be a little harder to read, but now every time I look up a key in my magic llvm
table, the metatable will cache the result in llvm
. On the next attempt to read that key, Lua will just find the key, __index
will not be called, and no function call or string manipulation will occur.
Repetitive first argument
The LLVM library was designed to be object-oriented; most functions act "on" an object, such as a "module" or a "builder". Again I am using the C interface, where the wrapper authors dealt with object methods by just always passing the relevant object as the first argument. In my scripts however I tend to create one module or one builder and use them the entire program, so passing builder.llvm.builder
on every single function— as happens in the code snippet above— gets annoying.
Again I can make this look a little prettier with metatables:
-- Transforms table.key(input) into target.key(arg, input)
-- In other words, this wraps a table while prebinding all function calls with one argument
function bind1Metatable(target, arg)
return {
__index = cacheAndReturn(function(table, key)
local func = target[key]
return function(...) return func(arg, ...) end
builder = emptyWithMetatable(bind1Metatable(llvm, llvm.createBuilder()))
I now have an object builder
which holds an inner LLVM builder object, such that saying builder.buildBr(loop)
is equivalent to saying LLVM.LLVMBuildBR(innerBuilder, loop)
. Again I’m using the cache wrapper, so every time I access a new function from builder
it has to construct a prebound wrapper, but on future lookups it just regurgitates the wrapper from before. (Note that as a tiny, probably-inconsequential optimization I’m calculating the value of func
outside of the constructed function, so that gets calculated only once, too).
is annoying
This one doesn’t even require metatables to work around:
function cArray(type, values)
local arrayType = string.format("%s [%d]", type, #values)
local array =
for i,v in ipairs(values) do
array[i-1] = v
return array
With this helper function, cArray("int", {1,2,3})
gets me a C FFI array containing (1,2,3). Simple. Notice the index garbage since Lua is 1-indexed.
Since I will almost always be using the types LLVMTypeRef
and LLVMValueRef
, I can simplify this a little further even:
typeArray = func.bind1(cArray, "LLVMTypeRef") -- Uses Penlight 'func' library
valueArray = func.bind1(cArray, "LLVMValueRef")
With these helpers, my snippet from above now looks like:
local valueDeref = builder.buildLoad(value, "ValueDeref")
local divisorDeref = builder.buildLoad(divisor, "DivisorDeref")
-- printf divisor
local printfArgs = valueArray {
builder.buildGlobalStringPtr("%d ", "tmpstring"),
builder.buildCall(printfFn, printfArgs, 2, "tmpcall")
That is way more readable. In the adjusted code, most lines are half the length they were at the end of the last post. By the way, notice me saying valueArray { }
; in Lua, if a function name is followed by curly brackets, Lua assumes you were trying to invoke the function with the table inside the { }
as a single argument. I will be abusing this heavily later.
Here’s the code so far. Now I get to move on to the fun stuff.
Shadow language [A DSL]
It’s time to design my "DSL" (again: "domain-specific language") for specifying programs. After that last stretch, I’m pretty hyped up on lua metatable magic, so I wanna see how metatables can help me.
With empty tables with custom metatables (…ETCMs?), I have these magical semantic things that I can read from, assign to, treat like numbers, and treat like functions, all using the natural syntax for those things. It sure would be nice if reading variables, assigning fields, adding numbers and calling functions in my language could "look like" actually doing those things in normal syntax. I mean, who wants to write LISP? (LISP users, probably.) I imagine I could set up a world where I can say things like:
variables.x = 3
variables.y = variables.x + 5
functions.print( variables.y )
…where variables
and functions
are ETCMs; and the objects you get if you read from those tables are ETCMs; and when this code runs it might look like I’m assigning 3 to x, adding 5 to that to get y, and then calling print with the value of y, but I’m not actually doing any of these things. Instead, I’m implicitly calling custom metatable functions that are registering each of these actions as I perform them, and at the end I can extract the record of which metatable functions I called as the specification of my program. The final, real program would "shadow" the fake actions I performed in Lua program.
I decide I’m going to call this DSL "shadow language", and call the magical recording-interactions-only ETCMs you interact with in it "shadow objects", because referring to "the DSL" all the way through this blog post would get really confusing and "ETCM"s might be the worst piece of tech terminology I’ve ever heard.
Instead of trying to write a full spec for the shadow DSL, I decide to write a program in it. I rewrite my number-factoring program from the last blog post:
backend.module("main", function(e)
e.fn.printf = e.fn(e.type.int32, {e.type.int8.ptr, e.type.vararg})
e.fn.atoi = e.fn(e.type.int32, {e.type.int8.ptr})
e.fn.printFactors = e.fn(nil, {e.type.int32}, function(e, input)
e.var.value = input
e.var.divisor = 2
e.while(e.var.divisor > e.var.value, e.block(function(e)
e.if(e.var.value % e.var.divisor == 0,
e.fn.printf:call("%d ", e.var.divisor)
e.var.value = e.var.value / e.var.divisor
e.var.divisor = e.var.divisor + 1
e.fn.main = e.fn(e.int32, {e.type.int32, e.type.int32.ptr}, function(e, argc, argv)
e.if(argc == 2,
e.fn.printFactors:call( e.fn.atoi( argv.idx(1) ) )
e.fn.printf:call("Please enter exactly one number as argument")
There’s a few things happening here. I’ll break some of them down:
- The environment: At all times, I’m working off of this "environment" variable
. e
contains a container field var
(previously variables
), a container fn
(previously functions
), containers types
and blocks
, and some helpers like if
and while
. Each of the containers can be assigned to, to register or (for mutable things like variables) mutate a named item (a variable, function, type or block label). Containers can also be read from, to get a reference (maybe a forward reference) to a named item. Or containers can be called like a function, to create an item in place (for example notice I say e.fn.printFactors = e.fn(...
- Construction functions: When I ask a container to create a new function, or a new block, I pass in a lua function. This is because "code", in the shadow language, is encoded in a sequence of Lua statements. So if I want to nest a stretch of "code" inside another, I have to control the sequence of execution somehow. I do that by embedding the "inner" code in its own function, which will get passed its own environment, and will run when the DSL library is ready for it to run.
- "
": One weird thing: In shadow language a function call doesn’t actually call the function but just returns a record of the idea that a function needs to be called to produce a particular value. When I say e.var.x = e.fn.atoi( "3" )
in the code above, the atoi( "3" )
isn’t a procedure that has an effect, it’s an item in an expression tree. This means if you called e.fn.aoti( "3" )
alone on a line it would have literally no effect, since you didn’t do anything that registers that particular expression tree as an instruction that needs to be emitted. So I need some way to tell the shadow language I want a standalone function call to be emitted, and the way I do this is the awkward :call
on the handful of void-returning functions I call here. (If this paragraph confused you: This is my fault, not yours. This bit is confusing.)
So: I have a little DSL! Is it a good DSL? Well, the "printFactors" program is a lot shorter in this than it was in the last post, when I was writing out LLVM IR. I don’t really like how the new program looks, though: The e.
everywhere is bugging me. That looks to me like boilerplate, and as previously insinuated, I don’t like boilerplate. When I see boilerplate my eyes start glazing over, and when my eyes glaze over I start missing bugs. Luckily this is something I can fix with more weirdo Lua magic! Lua has a ridiculously abusable-looking feature called setfenv()
, which lets you take a function and, before you call it, change the global variables which that function perceives as existing. If I plan to use this, I can eliminate e
entirely by making it implicit:
backend.module("main", function()
fn.printf = fn(type.int32, {type.int8.ptr, type.vararg})
fn.atoi = fn(type.int32, {type.int8.ptr})
fn.printFactors = fn(nil, {type.int32}, function(input)
var.value = input
var.divisor = 2
do.while(var.divisor > var.value, function()
do.if(var.value % var.divisor == 0,
do.fn.printf("%d ", var.divisor)
var.value = var.value / var.divisor
var.divisor = var.divisor + 1
fn.main = fn(int32, {type.int32, type.int32.ptr}, function(argc, argv)
do.if(argc == 2,
do.fn.printFactors( fn.atoi( argv.idx(1) ) )
do.fn.printf("Please enter exactly one number as argument")
Here the various members of e
— fn
, var
, etc— are forcibly populated into each function’s scope before it’s executed. fn
doesn’t exist before builder.module()
gets called at the top, and it doesn’t exist afterward. It will only exist in the temporary global scope injected by setfenv()
. To limit the number of variables I need to inject, I quarantine some of the helpers like if
and while
into a do
object, implied to be the container for non-expression statements— which, conveniently, gives me a better way of handling that :call
thing from before.
And once I have things set up like this, I… actually don’t mind this! This is sort of okay. I can read this code. It’s still a bit cumbersome, and the scattered function()
s everywhere are more than a little odd, but I’d rather write this than COBOL. This is a good start.
So: I have now a program written in my little program-specification DSL. Can I get to a point where I can compile it?
Improvisational compiler-stage design
When I was originally daydreaming about the shadow DSL, I think I imagined that each of the metatable calls would translate directly into an LLVM Build
invocation. If I said var.x + var.y
, for example, that would call a metatable __add
somewhere which every time it is invoked would just plain call builder.buildAdd( builder.buildLoad(x, ""), builder.buildLoad(y, "") )
and return the resulting LLVMValueRef
. This would have been a bad idea even by the standards of this project. Besides being brittle, it wouldn’t work with the syntax in the "printFactors" sample; if I’m using the LLVM builder I need to alloca
the variables first thing when generating the function, but with my current DSL I won’t know what variables a function uses until after I’ve executed the DSL code. I need to do something a little bit smarter. I need to create an AST.
Here, finally, I’m doing something normal that a normal compiler would do. There’s probably best practices for how to design an AST. I don’t know what those are so I decide to wing it. I try to imagine what simple structure could be easily constructed from the shadow DSL above, which could also be easily decomposed into LLVM IR.
I imagine I’ll have a tree made of objects of six types: AstModule
, AstFn
, AstBody
, AstBlock
, AstType
, AstExpr
. "Body" is separate from "Function" since external functions like printf
don’t have bodies. And the spec for these objects… well, just writing out a sample and then assuming I can craft a library to fit it later seemed to work okay for the shadow language, so maybe it can work for prototyping the AST classes also. I sit down and write out code instantiating an AST for something like my printFactors program inline:
module = AstModule{name="main"}
int32 = AstType{literal=int32Type}
int8 = AstType{literal=int8Type}
void = AstType{}
int8ptr = AstType{ptr=int8}
int8ptrptr = AstType{ptr=int8ptr}
module.namedFns.printf = AstFn{ret=int32, args={int8ptr}, vararg=true}
module.namedFns.atoi = AstFn{ret=int32, args={int8ptr}}
module.namedFns.printFactors = AstFn{ret=void, args={int32}, body=AstBody{
vars = { value=int32, divisor=int32 },
AstExpr{op='store', var='value', value=AstExpr{op='getParam',idx=0}},
AstExpr{op='store', var='divisor', value=AstExpr{op='literal',value=2}}
AstExpr{op='branch', cond=AstExpr{op='bin', op2='>=', value={
AstExpr{op='load', var='value'}, AstExpr{op='load', var='divisor'}
}}, y='modulo', n='done'}
AstExpr{op='branch', cond=AstExpr{op='bin', op2='==', value={
AstExpr{op='bin', op2='%', value={
AstExpr{op='load', var='value'}, AstExpr{op='load', var='divisor'}
AstExpr{op='literal', value=0},
}}, y='divide', n='increment'}
This… goes on, for quite a while. I’ll spare you pasting the entire thing. It’s actually kind of dreadful. The written-out AST turns out to be almost as long as the LLVM-assembly-written-out-in-lua blob from my last blog post, but is somehow less readable. I guess that’s probably okay— the AST isn’t designed to be human-readable or writable.
The job of my AST classes is going to be to hold the structure of the program and generate LLVM objects from that structure. They’re all going to inherit from an AstBase
function AstBase:_init(spec)
self.spec = spec
function AstBase:llvm()
if not self.cached then
self.cached = self:render()
return self.cached
The constructor here follows a pattern that I use in every single Lua program I write, but I’ve never seen anyone else do; the arguments to the constructor are taken as a structure, which I store as self.spec
. Normally in OO programming when you write constructors you take an argument list and then your constructor assigns each positional argument to a named variable in the object. I hate writing these. It’s just the most tedious, unnecessary-feeling thing. So instead in Lua, where I’m allowed to do this, my constructors take a structure full of named fields— you’ll notice in my sample code above, the constructor invocations all use {}
brackets instead of ()
— and nothing needs to be unpacked. Notice that this means all the constructor arguments are effectively optional.
Ultimately what these AST classes exist for is to convert a spec
structure into an LLVM primitive. You pass in the spec to the constructor, and you fetch back an LLVM primitive by calling llvm()
. To implement an AST class you only need to implement render()
, which llvm()
calls (and caches the result of, to guarantee render()
only gets called once even if a single object shows up multiple places in the tree).
I try implementing one of the classes— AstType, which I expect will be the simplest:
function AstType:_init(spec) self:super(spec) end
function AstType:render()
if self.spec.literal then return self.spec.literal end
if self.spec.ptr then
return llvm.pointerType(self.spec.ptr:llvm(), 0)
return llvm.voidType()
So AstType expects one of three different specs:
, with a premade LLVM type object as literal
; in this case llvm()
returns the type object.
, with an AstType
as ptr
; in this case llvm()
returns a pointer type of the child type.
- Empty
, in which case it returns the void type.
(The constructor in this code snippet is unnecessary, by the way, since the default behavior with Penlight classes is to call the super constructor. But it’s nice to have the constructor already pasted in.)
So this is pretty straightforward! I have a program written out as calls to the constructors of these AST classes; I have a class heirarchy; and now I just need to fill in those render()
methods and I’ll be able to generate an entire LLVM module by calling llvm()
once. Everything I’ve done in this project so far has proceeded really quickly, so I sit down on a Sunday morning and hope I’ll be able to finish implementing the AST classes that day.
Two weeks later…
Slightly less improvisational compiler-stage design
Okay. What am I actually doing here?
I want to be able to specify programs as data structures in memory. I want this so I can design programming interfaces that construct those data structures. At the moment I want this so that I can implement my shadow DSL, but that’s not the long term goal. I don’t really care about the shadow language; it’s an experiment for a silly blog post. But I believe I’ll be making more complicated things later, and when I do so I’ll be using this AST framework. Honestly what I’m probably going to do with the AST framework before too long is just plug LPEG into it, at which point— despite my protestations— I will have literally written a compiler.
At the moment, when you "render" this AST into a program, it does so using LLVM. But I could imagine, at some point, making a version of the AST framework that uses the same interface but generates (for example) Javascript instead of LLVM IR. (You can generate Javascript from LLVM IR, but it’s pretty ugly Javascript since LLVM IR’s model is simpler than Javascript is.) So it would be good to design this so it can easily be adapted to support code generation models that don’t look like LLVM’s.
At the moment the design doesn’t actually support even LLVM. Let’s talk for a moment about what LLVM does.
When I call one of those LLVM build functions:
local two = llvm.constInt(int32Type, 2, false)
local three = llvm.constInt(int32Type, 3, false)
builder.buildAdd(two, three, "sum")
When I call builder.buildAdd, executing that call has a side effect. It’s writing a line of LLVM assembly into a ledger somewhere:
%sum = add i32 2, i32 3
Sometimes I use a value that a build function returns:
local value = builder.buildAdd(two, three, "sum")
What does buildAdd
return? Well, it returns %sum
from the assembly snippet. This last bit of Lua is telling the builder to write in its ledger:
%sum = add i32 2, i32 3
ret i32 %sum
Since LLVM calls have side effects, it matters when you call LLVM functions. There are some things order matters for and some it doesn’t; you can construct a type or a function at any time, for example. LLVMConstInt
likewise does not care about order. But it does matter the order you create blocks in, since the first block added to a function is always the entry. And it matters the order you build expressions/instructions in, because when you build an instruction its "name" gets added to the current block and if you write your instruction into the ledger for the wrong block you might not be able to reference it later.
So this means my first-attempt design for AstBase
, where ast objects render
their contents exactly once the first time you try to read them, isn’t very good. On my second attempt, render
gets replaced with three functions: register()
, render()
, and emit()
In my second-attempt design, compiling happens in two passes. First, every object in the entire AST gets a register()
call. This allows the AST to inspect itself and make sure things are correct, and if anything the AST does is time-sensitive it can use register()
as an opportunity to note that down, so that in the second pass it knows to do things in the correct order. On the second pass, each object gets called with exactly one of emit()
or render()
. emit()
and render()
are actually the same thing, but render()
is for things which return a value after emitting themselves and emit()
is for things that don’t. When you emit() a module, there’s no point in returning the LLVM module object, but when you emit an add
instruction you will tend to immediately need the LLVM object it returns.
The two passes are managed by the AstModule
object, which is the top-level entry to everything else. It doesn’t have a register phase; to create a program you create an AstModule
object and call module:emit()
. AstModule
‘s emit looks like:
-- Register all functions
for k,v in pairs(self.namedFns) do = k
-- Emit all functions
for _,v in pairs(self.namedFns) do
-- Process
for _,v in pairs(self.namedFns) do
-- Write
What happens in the register phase? Well, functions register themselves with the module; function bodies build a list of their blocks and a list of their local variables; and expressions notify their function bodies which blocks and variables they use. Every leaf in the AST gets visited once while this is happening. If any particular node has references to other AstBase
objects, then when it is register()
ed it needs to call register()
on those as well.
Here a bit of a problem comes up, and it requires me to make one more tweak to my model. If an AstExpr
has to notify its AstBody
about variables it uses, that means it needs to be able to find its AstBody
. Actually, potentially, an expr might need to be able to get references to any one of (1) its module, (2) its function, (3) its body or (4) its block. I briefly consider passing all four of these down as arguments to every render()
call, or maybe having each AstExpr
keep a reference to all four. Both of these options sound miserable. I go with something that might not be as good software engineering, but works: I track a global "current" module, function, body and block. I give AstBase
a function:
function AstBase:recur(label, fn)
local prev = backend[label] -- Allow nesting
backend[label] = self
backend[label] = prev
The generation process for modules and blocks nests nicely— each expression belongs to at most one block, each block belongs to at most one function, etc. When we call register()
on an AstBody
, we’ll be working with that body until the function completes. So we can use the shared global backend
object to track the fact of, for example, which body we are currently working on. The "recur" function takes a function to execute, and is responsible for setting the tracked field before execution and then unsetting it afterward. (It saves and re-sets "prev" rather than just writing to nil at the end because later on I figured out that sometimes you might have to interrupt processing one block to look at another and then come back.) So for example an AstBody could call:
self:recur('currentBody', function()
-- Any external functions called in this stretch of code
-- will be able to find self at backend.currentBody
Armed with these two tweaks— the two-pass tree traversal, and the ‘current’ tracking— my model works much better. There’s just one more idea I need to introduce, and then I’ll be able to show you the code. If you look at the AST sample above, you’ll notice I refer to variables and blocks by name. In practice once I start writing the render()
functions it turns out to be a little bit awkward to look things up by name every time you use them. Also, it would be sort of cool if when I’m writing the AST structures I could "inline" small anonymous blocks. For example, toward the end of the full version of my sample AST I wound up writing:
-- Condition: Verify that argc, the first argument to main(), is equal to 2
cond=AstExpr{op='bin', op2='==', value={
AstExpr{op='getParam',idx=0}, AstExpr{op='literal',value=2}
-- Condition succeed block
-- [[Snip]]
-- Here I call printFactors, print a newline, and return 0
-- Condition fail block
AstExpr{op='call', fn='printf', args={
AstExpr{op='literal',value="Please enter exactly one number as argument.\n"}
AstExpr{op='return', value=AstExpr{op='literal', value=1}}
Instead of giving names to the blocks to the y
and n
branches of this branch statement, I just stuck AstBlock
objects in there.
What I decide is that by the time emit()
is called, all "by name" references should be converted to plain object references— block names to AstBlock
s, var names to a new AstVar
structure. So for example later on when I implement register()
for the branch-type AstExpr
, it’s going to say something like:
for _,k in ipairs({"y", "n"}) do
if self.spec[k] then
self.spec[k] = backend.currentBody:registerBlock(self.spec[k])
will be a "sanitizer" function that takes either an AstBlock
or a name; if it’s an AstBlock
it will just return it, if it’s a name it will look up the AstBlock
for that name and return it. AstExpr:register()
is expected to sweep through and replace any block references the expr has with references to whatever registerBlock()
Now, at this point some of you might point out that once I perform this operation, the "AST" is no longer properly a "tree" because the references can reconverge and potentially even loop. WELL MAYBE IT IS SOME KIND OF FREAKY MUTANT LARRY NIVEN SPACE TREE AND YOU SHOULD JUST DEAL.
I am now finally ready to write some code. First off, here’s my AstBase
-- Base class for all AST objects
function AstBase:_init(spec)
self.spec = spec
function AstBase:llvm() -- Generate then return llvmObj
if not self.llvmObj then
self.llvmObj = self:render()
return self.llvmObj
function AstBase:render() -- Some objects do not support llvm()
error("Could not render this object. You may need to call emit() first")
function AstBase:recur(label, fn) -- Temporarily register with backend and run function
local prev = backend[label] -- Allow nesting
backend[label] = self
backend[label] = prev
All this code has already appeared in this post— the only new thing is the error-throwing default implementation for render(). Next comes the first of my actual AST object classes:
-- Representation for a module (ie, an object file). Call emit() to create program
function AstModule:_init(spec)
self.namedFns = self.spec.namedFns or {}
self.spec.namedFns = nil
function AstModule:recur(fn) AstBase.recur(self, 'currentModule', fn) end
I give the individual classes personalized versions of recur()
which have their "name" baked in. Here’s AstModule:emit()
again, in its final form:
function AstModule:emit()
-- Set a global for the duration of this function
if backend then error("AstModule:emit called, but backend already exists") end
backend = Backend("main")
-- Register all functions
for k,v in pairs(self.namedFns) do = k
-- Emit all functions
for _,v in pairs(self.namedFns) do
-- Process
for _,v in pairs(self.namedFns) do
-- Write
self.backend = backend
backend = nil
Where most of the functions are only responsible for registering themselves with the global backend object, AstModule
has to register the backend object itself. One more thing and then we’re done with AstModule
-- Lookup/sanitization for functions
function AstModule:fn(name)
-- Note it is assumed ALL modules are registered manually before emission starts
if type(name) == 'string' then
return self.namedFns[name]
return name -- Assume this is a function object already
This is one of those "sanitizer" functions I mentioned, since the module object is responsible for managing functions.
is pretty simple:
-- Representation for a function
function AstFn:_init(spec) self:super(spec) end
function AstFn:recur(fn) AstBase.recur(self, 'currentFn', fn) end
function AstFn:register()
if not self.llvmObj then
self.llvmObj = backend.module.addFunction(, self:type())
if self.spec.body then
self:recur(function() self.spec.body:register() end)
function AstFn:emit()
if self.spec.body then
self:recur(function() self.spec.body:emit() end)
Other than registering the function with the module during register()
, AstFn
pretty much just defers to its body object. The only real complexity is in the helper that calculates the function’s type in LLVM terms:
-- Fetch the LLVMFunctionType for this function
function AstFn:type()
if not self.llvmType then
local args = {}
for i,v in ipairs(self.spec.args or {}) do
table.insert(args, v:llvm())
self.llvmType = llvm.functionType(self.spec.ret and self.spec.ret:llvm() or llvm.voidType(),
typeArray(args), #args, self.spec.vararg and true or false)
return self.llvmType
and args
are AstType
objects, so we need to call llvm()
on them to get the representations LLVM consumes. Moving on to AstBody
-- Representation for a function body
function AstBody:_init(spec)
self.spec.namedBlocks = self.spec.namedBlocks or {}
self.anonBlocks = {}
self.namedVars = {}
function AstBody:recur(fn) AstBase.recur(self, 'currentBody', fn) end
Notice the "or" statement specifying a default for namedBlocks
if one isn’t in the spec already. (This implies a slightly wierd wrinkle on my convention of storing some fields inside of "spec"; the AST objects can mutate the spec objects, so you’d better not pass a single spec structure to multiple constructors.)
function AstBody:register()
self.llvmAllocaBlock = llvm.appendBasicBlock(backend.currentFn.llvmObj, "")
for k,v in pairs(self.spec.namedBlocks) do = k
if not self.spec.entry then error("Block without entry") end
self.entry = self:registerBlock(self.spec.entry)
The body’s register()
phase is mainly concerned with its blocks. Notice two blocks are special; the "alloca block" is the entry block where I register variables, so it must be registered with the function before anything else happens. The entry
block is the block the alloca block transfers control to when it’s done. entry
is mandatory for an AstBody
spec, but it can be either a block object or a name, so registerBlock()
is used.
-- Lookup/sanitization for a block during register phase. Accepts either a name or a block object.
function AstBody:registerBlock(b)
if type(b) == 'string' then return self.spec.namedBlocks[b] end
return b
-- Lookup/sanitization for a var during register phase. Accepts either a name or a var object.
function AstBody:registerVar(v, create)
if type(v) == 'string' then
if self.namedVars[v] then
v = self.namedVars[v]
local name = v
v = AstVar{} = name
if create then v.valid = true end
return v
Here’s those sanitize functions I mentioned. Two things to notice: The work of actually registering is passed off to the register
implementations for AstBlock
and AstVar
; also, registerVar
takes a "create" argument which discriminates whether we are writing to or reading from a function. If a variable is ever read from in a function where it’s never written to, I’ll want that to be an error.
function AstBody:emit()
-- Instantiate vars
local function alloca(v)
v.llvmObj = backend.builder.buildAlloca(int32Type, or "anon")
for _,v in pairs(self.namedVars) do alloca(v) end
for _,v in ipairs(self.anonVars) do alloca(v) end
-- Run blocks
for k,v in pairs(self.spec.namedBlocks) do
for _,v in ipairs(self.anonBlocks) do
In its emission phase, a body generates the "alloca" block itself— again consisting only of the alloca
instructions that reserve room for its variables on the stack, followed by a jump into the entry block— and then directs its blocks to emit themselves in no particular order. Notice that with both vars and blocks, there’s a split between "named" and "anonymous" items; "anonymous" blocks or vars wind up being those AstBlock
s or AstVars
that just sort of get discovered while traversing the AST without ever being assigned to a name. You can see this in action in AstBlock:register()
-- Representation for a block within a function
function AstBlock:_init(spec)
self.spec.exprs = self.spec.exprs or {}
function AstBlock:register()
if not self.llvmObj then
if not then table.insert(backend.currentBody.anonBlocks, self) end
self.llvmObj = llvm.appendBasicBlock(backend.currentFn.llvmObj, or "anon")
for _,v in ipairs(self.spec.exprs) do
if self.spec.exit then
self.exit = backend.currentBody:registerBlock(self.spec.exit)
Named blocks are already present in namedBlocks
, in the AstBody
‘s spec, but blocks without names are apparently being found somewhere in the tree and need to be added to anonBlocks
when they’re discovered. Notice something a little bit subtle here: since blocks can point at each other through AstExpr
s that branch, register()
on a single block might get called more than once, so the method has to detect it’s already been run and silently return in that case. Once again, technically my "Abstract Syntax Tree" is more of a directed graph and the register()
process is doing a DFS on that graph.
function AstBlock:emit()
for i,v in ipairs(self.spec.exprs) do
if self.exit then
Emission phase for a block is simple. The expressions (instructions) get rendered, and then as a convenience the AstBlock
emits the jump out itself.
AstType and AstVar are also simple:
-- Representation for a variable type
function AstType:_init(spec) self:super(spec) end
function AstType:render()
if self.spec.literal then return self.spec.literal end
if self.spec.ptr then
return llvm.pointerType(self.spec.ptr:llvm(), 0)
return llvm.voidType()
-- Representation for a variable within a function
function AstType:_init(spec) self:super(spec) end
function AstVar:register()
if self.registered then return end
self.registered = true
if then
backend.currentBody.namedVars[] = self
table.insert(backend.currentBody.anonVars, self)
I’ve actually inlined in this post already, and AstVar
is pretty much the same registration behavior as AstBlock
(with the difference that the variable names aren’t already known at the time the register phase starts).
The final class, AstExpr
, is the most complicated one by far. Here’s its register phase:
-- Representation for an expression or statement within a function
function AstExpr:_init(spec) self:super(spec) end
function AstExpr:register()
if self.registered then return end
self.registered = true
local function registerValue()
local switch = {
bin = function()
['return'] = function()
if self.spec.value then registerValue() end
store = function()
self.var = backend.currentBody:registerVar(self.spec.var, true)
load = function()
self.var = backend.currentBody:registerVar(self.spec.var)
deref = function()
if self.spec.idx then self.spec.idx:register() end
branch = function()
if self.spec.cond then self.spec.cond:register() end
for _,k in ipairs({"y", "n"}) do
if self.spec[k] then
self.spec[k] = backend.currentBody:registerBlock(self.spec[k])
if not self.spec.y then error("Branch lacks a destination") end
if self.spec.cond and not self.spec.n then
error("Conditional branch lacks a \"no\"")
call = function()
for _,v in ipairs(self.spec.args) do
local fn = switch[self.spec.op]
if fn then fn() end
is complicated because it’s actually a bunch of different things. It has an op
field which indicates what, exactly, this expression is doing. Someone more committed to OOP than me might have just made a different AstExpr
for each op
, but I just use a switch statement. Lua doesn’t have switch statements. I fake it with a table full of closures.
Other than a tiny amount of error checking, the register phase for an AstExpr
is concerned only with furthering the DFS on the directed graph that is the "AST". Expressions, depending on what their op is, might reference a number of other AstExpr
s, AstVar
s or AstBlock
s. Each of those needs to get their register()
‘s render()
is another big switch statement, so let’s take it a little bit at a time.
function AstExpr:render()
local function literal(v)
local t = type(v)
if t == 'number' then -- Accept unwrapped numbers and strings
return llvm.constInt(int32Type, v, false)
elseif t == 'string' then
return backend.builder.buildGlobalStringPtr(v, "")
else -- Otherwise assume we've been passed an LLVM object
return v
local switch = { -- Lookup table on op
literal = function()
return literal(self.spec.value)
The literal
op, used to represent a inlined value in the AST, has its own little helper function. I don’t think I had a particularly good reason why.
bin = function() -- Binary expression
local a = self.spec.value[1]:llvm()
local b = self.spec.value[2]:llvm()
local function build(kind) return function()
return backend.builder['build'..capitalize(kind)](a, b, "")
end end
local function iCmp(kind) return function()
return backend.builder.buildICmp(llvm[kind], a, b, "")
end end
local switch2 = {
['>'] = iCmp('intSGT'), ['<'] = iCmp('intSLT'),
['>='] = iCmp('intSGE'), ['<='] = iCmp('intSLE'),
['=='] = iCmp('intEQ'), ['!='] = iCmp('intNE'),
['+'] = build('add'), ['-'] = build('sub'),
['*'] = build('mul'), ['/'] = build('sDiv'),
['%'] = build('sRem')
return switch2[self.spec.op2]()
has an op2
and its own inner switch. A fun thing about building a switch from a table of functions is that I can build the switch cases themselves using higher-order functions! This results in an incredibly clean looking switch statement at the cost of two nearly inscrutable helper functions. FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING.
Most of the ops there’s not much to say about— here, at last, I’m only doing a straightforward conversion from spec
members to LLVM builder calls—
['return'] = function()
if self.spec.value then
local value = self.spec.value:llvm()
return backend.builder.buildRetVoid()
getParam = function()
return llvm.getParam(backend.currentFn.llvmObj, self.spec.idx)
call = function()
if not self.spec.fn then error("Function not found "..self.spec.fn) end
local llvmArgs = {} -- map :llvm() on self.spec.args
for _,v in ipairs(self.spec.args) do
table.insert(llvmArgs, v:llvm())
local fn = backend.currentModule:fn(self.spec.fn)
return backend.builder.buildCall(fn.llvmObj, valueArray(llvmArgs), #llvmArgs, "")
—but a couple things stand out.
, load
and branch
wind up accessing the .llvmObj
of the blocks and variables they reference directly, since blocks and variables don’t have a render()
and are required to have been constructed before the code reaches this point:
store = function()
return backend.builder.buildStore( self.spec.value:llvm(), self.var.llvmObj )
load = function()
return backend.builder.buildLoad( self.var.llvmObj, "" )
branch = function()
if self.spec.cond then
return backend.builder.buildCondBr(self.spec.cond:llvm(), self.spec.y.llvmObj, self.spec.n.llvmObj)
return backend.builder.buildBr(self.spec.y.llvmObj)
Finally, deref
combines the slightly confusing LLVM getelementptr
instruction and a load
into a single operation, which is slightly more apt for my uses:
deref = function() -- TODO: Allow idx to be a list
local ptr = self.spec.value:llvm()
if self.spec.idx then
ptr = backend.builder.buildGEP(ptr, valueArray {self.spec.idx:llvm()}, 1, "")
return backend.builder.buildLoad(ptr, "")
return switch[self.spec.op]()
…and that’s it! I run my printFactors
-as-an-AST sample file:
luajit tests/printFactorsAst.lua && cc -o main main.o && ./main 543
And the result is 3 181
It works! The AST version of the printFactors
program is a little shorter than the version where I write out all the LLVM-C calls by hand (144 lines vs. 99), but it requires this 370 line AST library so maybe that’s a bit of a wash. Whatever. Here’s the code so far.
This two-week detour completed, I finally get to start on the shadow language.
The DSL framework’s external interface will be two functions: shadowFn
, which returns an AstFn
, and shadowModule
, which returns an AstModule
. This means I could potentially mix functions defined with shadowFn
into a module defined with the AST interface and vice versa.
takes the name of the module, and the "construction function" for the module. Remember, a "construction function" is where the shadow language is written— it’s a function with no arguments which I’m planning to inject the shadow-language symbols into. shadowModule
winds up being pretty simple. All it has to do is build the list of injected symbols and then call the construction function:
-- Create an AstModule given a name and a construction function
function shadowModule(name, gen)
local module = AstModule{name=name}
if gen then
local env = {
fn = emptyWithMetatable {
__newindex = function(table, key, value)
module.namedFns[key] = value
__call = function(func, ...)
return shadowFunction(...)
type = shadowType
execWithEnv(gen, env)
return module
…and at the stage where you’re only defining modules, it doesn’t have much to inject. The only injected symbols in the module construction function are fn
and type
. Let’s consider fn
first. You can only do two things with fn
: assign to it to define a new function (__newindex
), or call it to make an AstFn
). Since fn
has the same interface as shadowFn
I can just re-call shadowFn
, and since the return value of shadowFn
is already an AstFn
I can just stick the return directly into the AstModule
I’m building. type
I’ll come back to in a moment.
isn’t something that exists in Lua, I had to build it:
-- Takes a function and a table, and executes fn with env as its _G.
-- Resets everything at completion, but does not use env's metatable during execution.
function execWithEnv(fn, env)
local envOldMetatable = getmetatable(env)
local fnOldEnv = getfenv(fn)
-- Make fn's original env available as a parent scope
local envMetatable = {__index=fnOldEnv}
if (envOldMetatable) then setmetatable(env, nil) end -- Double-setting metatable not allowed
setmetatable(env, envMetatable)
-- Run fn
setfenv(fn, env)
-- Restore original state
setfenv(fn, fnOldEnv)
setmetatable(env, envOldMetatable)
is a pretty blunt instrument; it doesn’t preserve the original scope of the function you’re mutating, and the effects on the function it acts on are permanent. execWithEnv
is a bit easier to work with, but making it that way takes some work.
Anyway, type
. This is where things start to get interesting. Wiring the fn
container in the module construction scope was simple because its inputs and outputs were just the AstFn
objects from earlier. But the members of type
are going to be shadow objects— magical semantic things loaded up with however much metatable trickery I need to get the behavior I want in my DSL.
What’s the behavior I want? Looking back at the original "printFactors" sample, I fetched some int types (int8
and int32
) from this type
container, and I used a .ptr
field on the returned types to get pointer versions. So the only special behavior I need on a type object is that .ptr
-- Convert AstType to shadow type
local function shadowTypeMake(v)
local shadowTypeMetatable = {__index=cacheAndReturn(function(type, key)
if key == 'ptr' then
return shadowTypeMake(AstType{ptr=type.__astObject})
return nil
local t = {__astObject=v}
setmetatable(t, shadowTypeMetatable)
return t
A single shadow type has its AstType
hidden inside as __astObject
, and the ptr
field is wired up to create and cache the pointer version on demand. So that’s a type object; now I need to make the type container.
-- Dispenser for shadow types, currently contains only int[number]s
shadowType = {
fromAst = shadowTypeMake,
vararg = {} -- Arbitrary object for comparing by reference
is what you pass in as the final argument type if you have a function, like printf
, which uses C vararg.)
has these two fixed members, and then a few more members are generated by the metatable:
setmetatable(shadowType, {__index=cacheAndReturn(function(_, k)
local llvmType = nil
-- Automatically look up int constructors in LLVM headers
local _,_,intmatch = string.find(k, '^int(%d+)$') -- # of bits
if intmatch then
llvmType = llvm['int'..intmatch..'Type']()
if llvmType then
return shadowTypeMake(AstType{literal=llvmType})
return nil
This is completely gratuitous. I need to make available six int types (1, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 bits); I could have just taken six lines to populate six members of shadowType
, but instead I do eight lines of metaprogramming to make those six objects be generated on demand. Look, I write C all day at work. Let me have my fun.
Modules and types out of the way, it’s time to take on functions. A first pass at shadowFunction
could look something like this:
-- Create an AstFn given a return shadow type, a list of arg shadow types, and a construction function
function shadowFunction(ret, args, gen)
local astArgs = {}
local vararg = false
for _,v in ipairs(args) do
if shadowType.vararg == v then -- Not a real argument, just denotes this fn is vararg
vararg = true
table.insert(astArgs, v.__astObject)
local fn = AstFn{ret=ret.__astObject, args=astArgs, vararg=vararg}
if gen then
return fn
In this first pass I don’t actually call the construction function or create a function body— I just calculate the fn’s argument and return types and register the function as existing. (The types are accepted here as shadow objects, so "calculating" the types just means fetching the .__astObject
fields out of the shadow types, then checking to see if the argument list ends with the magic vararg
With exactly this code I’ve got so far and without filling in that TODO, I’ve got code that can generate a module, generate a function with no body, and generate types. This is actually enough to do a test (even a test that executes, since I can inject functions with bodies if I use AstFn
). I decide to set a simple test up:
shadowModule("main", function()
fn.printf = fn(type.int32, {type.int8.ptr, type.vararg})
fn.atoi = fn(type.int32, {type.int8.ptr})
And this gives me a working module!
; ModuleID = 'main'
declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...)
declare i32 @atoi(i8*)
…or, well, it gives me a working module once I fix five or eight typos, learn that if you don’t return nil
at the end of a metatable __index
function the default behavior is not what you expect, and then realize that I forgot to implement the vararg
feature and go back and rewrite the last few paragraphs of this post to include it. Anyway! I’ve proven the shadow-language concept works.
Here’s the code so far.
Final lap
No more scaffolding. On the first post in this series, I daydreamed about writing a DSL in idiomatic Lua; now all I have to do to get that working is implement that TODO: RUN CONSTRUCTION FUNCTION
from the last code stretch.
I decide to implement this one feature at a time, and write a small test for each feature I add. The simplest function body I could support here is:
shadowModule("main", function()
fn.main = fn(int32, {type.int32, type.int8.ptr.ptr}, function()
This snippet is a little different from the syntax I was using before. Something that didn’t occur to me when I wrote the original "printFactors" sample is that do
, while
, if
and return
are pure reserved words in Lua— they’re not even legal names for fields. To work around this I renamed do
to go
, and for while
, I… couldn’t decide what to do, so I tacked on underscores for now.
now becomes:
local function nextBlock() return AstBlock{exprs={}} end
local block = nextBlock()
fn.spec.body = AstBody{entry = block}
-- Given a Lua value, return an AstExpr
local function literal(v) return AstExpr{op='literal', value=v} end
-- Given either a Lua value or an AstExpr, return an AstExpr
local function literalFilter(v)
if astLiteralAllowed(v) then return literal(v) else return v end
execWithEnv(gen, {
go = {
_return = function(v)
table.insert(block.spec.exprs, AstExpr{op='return', value=literalFilter(v)})
When a construction function is present, I create a body and a block for the fn being built, and then I run the construction function in execWithEnv
like I did with modules. Right now the only thing I inject in the construction environment for fns is go
, and all it needs to contain is _return
. All _return
does when you invoke it— all basically any line of "code" in the construction functions is going to do— is append an AstExpr
object representing some instruction (in this case return
) to the current block.
The literalFilter()
helper is something I need because things lke _return()
consume AST objects, but the argument I pass in might instead be a native Lua value like "3". I need to figure out what I have and convert it to an AST, and I delegate the task of figuring out what I have to a new function in ast.lua
function astLiteralAllowed(v)
local t = type(v)
return t == 'number' or t == 'string' or t == 'cdata'
I assume native Lua values are numbers, strings, or LLVM objects (which are easy to identify because Lua knows they came from C).
This simple test program doesn’t output anything, but I can treat its UNIX return value as "output" and verify it works:
$ (luajit tests/returnValueShadow.lua && cc -o main main.o && ./main) 2> /dev/null
$ echo $?
My next test program, I add in variables:
shadowModule("main", function()
fn.main = fn(type.int32, {type.int32, type.int8.ptr.ptr}, function()
var.x = 5
var.x = 6
To make this test work this I inject var
into the construction environment:
var = emptyWithMetatable({
__index = function(_, key)
return AstExpr{op='load', var=key}
__newindex = function(_, key, value)
table.insert(block.spec.exprs, AstExpr{op='store', var=key, value=literalFilter(value)})
When you write a value into var
) it writes a store instruction as an AstExpr
to the end of the current block’s expr list; when you read a value it writes nothing to the expr list, but returns a load AST that a different, value-writing function (in this case _return
) might use.
So far pretty simple. In the next test I add in arithmetic:
shadowModule("main", function()
fn.main = fn(type.int32, {type.int32, type.int8.ptr.ptr}, function()
var.x = 5
var.y = var.x + 4
go._return(var.x + var.y)
Suddenly things are less simple.
I’ve been vaguely toying with this idea of "shadow" versions of values— for example, the "shadow type" objects I created earlier— which if you remember are tables with a hidden __astObject
inside, and a tricked-out metatable to allow manipulating that AST object with Lua syntax. For +
to work on the value returned by var.x
, it’s going to need to be a shadow value. I’ll create that shadow value with shadowExprMake()
-- Convert AstExpr to shadow expr
local function shadowExprMake(v)
local function binop(op2)
return function(l, r)
return shadowExprMake( AstExpr{op='bin', op2=op2, value={literalFilter(l), literalFilter(r)}} )
local shadowExprMetatable = {
__add = binop('+'), __sub = binop('-'), __mul = binop('*'), __div = binop('/'),
__mod = binop('%'), __eq = binop('=='), __lt = binop('<'), __le = binop('<=')
local t = {__astObject=v}
setmetatable(t, shadowExprMetatable)
return t
Do you follow all the levels of indirection involved here? Calling shadowExprMake()
constructs a metatable where __add
is a function created by a higher order function binop()
. When that __add
function is invoked, it will "recursively" call shadowExprMake()
to create a new shadow object which corresponds to whatever performing the +
operation on the targets would logically result in. The code is at once compact, elegant and extremely difficult to follow!
I have to change the existing code for this to work: Before, _return
, and the =
operation on var
, were expecting AST objects, and var.varname
returned an AST object. But now I’m going to be working with shadow exprs instead of AstExpr
s directly, so I’m going to need to change var.varname
to return shadow exprs:
__index = function(_, key)
return shadowExprMake(AstExpr{op='load', var=key})
And I have to change literalFilter
— which again, _return
and operator-=
on var
filter everything they use through— to assume non-literal values are shadow exprs:
-- Given either a Lua value or shadow value, return an AstExpr
local function filterToAst(v)
if astLiteralAllowed(v) then return literal(v) else return v.__astObject end
I rename literalFilter
while I’m at it to something a little less vague.
Next feature is argument parameters:
shadowModule("main", function()
fn.main = fn(type.int32, {type.int32, type.int8.ptr.ptr}, function(argc,argv)
var.x = argc -- IE number of command-line arguments passed in
var.y = var.x + 4
go._return(var.x + var.y)
If a function takes arguments, the construction function will be passed in shadow-exprs for those arguments as the arguments to the construction function itself. This is pretty easy to implement because my AST already has a construct for "fetch the Nth parameter to the current function". I can modify shadowFunction
, before it invokes the construction function, to create a table with one such AST object for each argument:
local genArgs = {}
for i=1,#args do
table.insert(genArgs, shadowExprMake(AstExpr{op='getParam',idx=i-1}))
Then I can pass that in to my execWithArgs
function, where it gets unpacked into the construction function invocation using weird Lua magic:
function execWithEnv(fn, env, args)
-- [snip]
-- Run fn
setfenv(fn, env)
fn(unpack(args or {}))
Shadow language code can now accept arguments when it defines a function. Next step is to allow the code to call functions. The test program for that would be:
shadowModule("main", function()
fn.atoi = fn(typ.int32, {typ.int8.ptr})
fn.main = fn(typ.int32, {typ.int32, typ.int8.ptr.ptr}, function(argc,argv)
var.x = fn.atoi("3")
go._return(var.x + 1)
Somewhere at about this point I realized that one of the injected symbols in my shadow language is type
, which isn’t a reserved word in Lua, but it is the name of a frightfully useful builtin function, so I renamed the type
container to typ
Anyway, to make this work I inject an fn
into the construction environment:
fn = emptyWithMetatable({
__index = function(_, key)
return emptyWithMetatable({
__call = function(_, ...)
local args = {...}
for i=1,#args do
args[i] = filterToAst(args[i])
return shadowExprMake(AstExpr{op='call', fn=key, args=args})
I already injected an fn
in the environment for module construction functions, but the fn
for function construction functions (…ugh, did I just write that?) is separate and behaves differently. With the new fn
you can look up a key on it and it returns a shadow object which will imitate a function you can call.
This fn
implementation makes the test work, but it isn’t enough. As described above, I need two versions of fn
: the expression form I just implemented, and a statement form (go.fn
). Once again, this is because the expression form only creates an AST and does not actually add that AST to the current block.
To make this work I unpack the meat of my initial attempt at fn
into a higher-order function:
local function makeFnInvoke(key)
return function(...)
local args = {...}
for i=1,#args do
args[i] = filterToAst(args[i])
return shadowExprMake(AstExpr{op='call', fn=key, args=args})
Once I’ve done this fn
looks like:
_fn = emptyWithMetatable({
__index = function(_, key)
return makeFnInvoke(key)
In other words, makeFnInvoke
takes a key and returns a callable entity that creates an AST for the given function using the args passed into it. I can also use this to make the go.fn
fn = emptyWithMetatable({
__index = function(_, key)
local fn = makeFnInvoke(key)
return function(...)
table.insert(block.spec.exprs, fn(...).__astObject)
. I’m just going to sit here and savor that for a moment. …and also feel a bit guilty.
Functions are done. Next feature is indexing arrays. The test program for arrays runs its first command line argument through atoi
and returns it as a UNIX status code:
shadowModule("main", function()
fn.atoi = fn(typ.int32, {typ.int8.ptr})
fn.main = fn(typ.int32, {typ.int32, typ.int8.ptr.ptr}, function(argc,argv)
var.x = fn.atoi( argv[1] )
go._return(var.x + 10)
This, too, is very simple to implement. Most of these features have been very simple to implement. This one literally only requires three lines, a single field added to the shadow expr metatable:
__index = function(v, key)
return shadowExprMake( AstExpr{op='deref', value=v.__astObject, idx=literalFilter(key)})
is a shadow object; indexing it creates a shadow object that indexes the value inside it. Easy.
At about this point, things stop getting easy.
There’s only two features left to implement: if
and while
. These get interesting because they create not just values, but also blocks. Here’s my test for the if statement:
shadowModule("main", function()
fn.printf = fn(typ.int32, {typ.int8.ptr, typ.vararg})
fn.main = fn(typ.int32, {typ.int32, typ.int8.ptr.ptr}, function(argc,argv)
go._if(argc >= 3,
go.fn.printf("Argc %d less than 3\n", argc)
go.fn.printf("Argc %d greater or equal to 3\n", argc)
Up until now, there have only been construction functions in two places: Module construction when invoking shadowModule
, and fn construction when invoking fn
. But now we have construction functions nested inside the construction function of an single fn, constructing blocks within that fn.
Implementing that means a little bit of restructuring: For starters, I need to take my huge execWithEnv invocation I’ve been building and put it in a local function:
local function build(gen, genArgs)
execWithEnv(gen, {
-- All injected environment for an fn construction function goes here
}, genArgs)
build(gen, genArgs)
This means if I’m inside one of the closures injected into the environment— for example, the one implementing _if
— I will be able to recursively call build()
from there if I want to invoke a construction function.
Before I can move on, I hit a really unpleasant oddity. I overloaded all of the normal operations you can perform on a table— +
. -
, >
, ==
. The idea of my overloads is that instead of performing whatever calculation the operator would normally describe, the overloaded version returns an AST describing the calculation. For +
and -
this works great. But the first time I try to run code using a comparison— the >=
in the sample— it fails. The Lua interpreter claims that >=
cannot be performed on a table.
It turns out, looking in the documentation, that comparison operators are different from other operators in Lua. First off, there are restrictions on when they even get invoked. There’s a semi-complicated algorithm Lua follows to decide whether to invoke a metatable comparison function and if so which one to invoke. One of the steps in the algorithm is that it only runs the comparison if the two tables have the same metatable. Here there’s an oddness. All of my shadow objects have the same metatable functionally. But they’re not the same in the VM memory, because I create a new copy of the metatable for every single shadow object I create. I rewrite that shadowExprMake so that only one metatable exists:
-- Go far out of way to define shadowExprMetatable outside closure so comparison operators work
local function binop(op2)
return function(l, r)
return shadowExprMake( AstExpr{op='bin', op2=op2, value={filterToAst(l), filterToAst(r)}} )
local shadowExprMetatable = {
-- Metatable members here
-- Convert AstType to shadow expr
function shadowExprMake(v)
local t = {__astObject=v}
setmetatable(t, shadowExprMetatable)
return t
It still doesn’t work; my metatable comparison functions are now being invoked, but somehow they’re always evaluating to true
. It turns out that apparently comparison operators in Lua coerce their return values to true
and false
. This doesn’t seem to be in the documentation. It’s just something that Lua and LuaJIT both do (a nice person on Twitter actually dug up the Lua 5 source code and confirmed this). I optimized my shadowExprMake()
function for nothing!
Although the language forcing comparison operators to always return true
or false
probably fits most users’ expectations, it kind of kills my weird overloading idea. I’m forced to inject the comparison operators into the namespace as functions. The fn-construction context picks up a new symbol get
get = {
literal = filterToAst,
lt = binop('<'), gt = binop('>'), lte = binop('<='), gte = binop('>=')
With that cleared up, I’m free to go ahead and implement the go._if
function. This one’s complicated, so I’m going to go over it a little bit at a time.
_if = function(cond, y, n)
local branchExpr = AstExpr{op='branch', cond=literalFilter(cond)}
table.insert(block.spec.exprs, branchExpr)
We’ve been working with an existing "block"; we want to append to its end a conditional branch instruction. The conditional branch instruction I defined here has a condition, but it’s missing its y
and n
blocks; I’m not done editing it.
local afterBlock = nextBlock()
local yBlock = nextBlock()
This code creates a block for the code for the if’s "success" path, and a block for flow control to resume from after the if statement is completed.
block = yBlock
block.spec.exit = afterBlock
Notice something a bit weird: build
is a local function, closure. It makes reference throughout to a variable block
which is local to the shadowFunction()
invocation that build
exists inside. This makes block
effectively a bit of shared state for one full run through shadowFunction()
. So in this code I set block
to a new value immediately before calling build(y)
; this means the y
construction function will write its expressions into the block I specified.
After running, the y-block dumps into the afterblock.
local nBlock = afterBlock
if n then
nBlock = nextBlock()
block = nBlock
block.spec.exit = afterBlock
What’s happening in this code is that the "no" path is optional, so if the user specified an n
construction function I want to branch to a new block for that, but if the user did not then a "no" result branches to the afterblock.
branchExpr.spec.y = yBlock branchExpr.spec.n = nBlock
block = afterBlock
I have now created both the y
and n
blocks, so I can add links to them in the original branchExpr. The last thing I do before the function ends is set the shared block
to the afterblock, so any statements post-_if
will be written into that.
So that’s go._if
. The go._while
implementation— which I do not bother writing a test case for— is much similar:
_while = function(cond, loop)
local branchBlock = nextBlock()
local loopBlock = nextBlock()
local afterBlock = nextBlock()
block.spec.exit = branchBlock
local branchExpr = AstExpr{op='branch', cond=filterToAst(cond), y=loopBlock, n=afterBlock}
table.insert(branchBlock.spec.exprs, branchExpr)
block = loopBlock
block.spec.exit = branchBlock
block = afterBlock
This sets the current block to immediately enter into a "branch block"; the branch block contains only a conditional branch instruction, which jumps either to the loop body or to the block which follows the _while
. Pretty straightforward.
I don’t write a test case for _while
because at this point, I have enough features working together I can just use my original sample program— the printFactors
program— as the test case! I pull it out again and try to run it. I run into three problems.
Problem #1: It’s ugly? It’s just. It’s really ugly. My attempts to avoid Lua keywords have left the syntax of the shadow language inconsistent. Some fields have underscores before them, some don’t. One symbol (typ
) is misspelled rather than using an underscore, another switched to a slightly weird synonym (go
). If I were writing this I’d never be able to remember what to use where.
I decide to change my symbol naming rules: If a field is "injected"— if it is part of the shadow language rather than being part of your computer program— it has an underscore before it. Period. This lets me avoid intentional misspelling, and it makes my syntax consistent. With the new rules, my "printFactors" program looks like this:
shadowModule("main", function()
_fn.printf = _fn(_type.int32, {_type.int8.ptr, _type.vararg})
_fn.atoi = _fn(_type.int32, {_type.int8.ptr})
_fn.printFactors = _fn(nil, {_type.int32}, function(input)
_var.value = input
_var.divisor = 2
_do._while( _get._gte(_var.value, _var.divisor), function()
_do._if( _get._eq(_var.value % _var.divisor, 0),
_do._fn.printf("%d ", _var.divisor)
_var.value = _var.value / _var.divisor
_var.divisor = _var.divisor + 1
_fn.main = _fn(_type.int32, {_type.int32, _type.int8.ptr.ptr}, function(argc, argv)
_do._if( _get._eq(argc, 2),
_do._fn.printFactors( _fn.atoi( argv[1] ) )
_do._fn.printf("Please enter exactly one number as argument\n")
So _var
has an underscore, and both _do
and _if
(i.e. _do._if
) have underscores, because those are things installed by the language. But the value
in _var.value
doesn’t have an underscore because that is a user variable, and the lack of the underscore helps you tell that, and this means that the underscore actually serves a purpose and isn’t just a dodge on Lua’s reserved words list. int32
in _type.int32
does not have an underscore and I don’t know if that’s consistent or not.
This is all… not terrible! The new syntax is not as nice as the version I put earlier in this post, but if it’s a prototyping language rather than something I’d use day to day maybe it’s okay.
Problems #2 and #3 come in the form of fatal errors from LLVM’s verifier (which I figured out how to turn on between posts two and three in this series) when I try to run "printFactors". Both errors claim that I failed to end a block correctly— LLVM requires every block to end with either a branch statement or a return statement. (If the verifier hadn’t stopped me, this would have resulted in a crash when I tried to emit an object file.) The two errors turn out to have happened for different reasons.
Problem #2 has to do with void functions. _fn.printFactors
returns void, and in my sample program I don’t end the function with a _do._return()
because any sensible language will do that implicitly for you. But I never implemented the part where it does it for you. I do that now.
I go back to ast.lua
and add this helper function:
function AstBlock:unterminated()
local exprCount = #self.spec.exprs
if exprCount < 1 then return true end
local finalOp = self.spec.exprs[exprCount].spec.op
return not (finalOp == 'branch' or finalOp == 'return')
Which returns true if the block fails to follow LLVM’s termination rules. All it does is check the final instruction’s opcode. Once I have this helper, I can implement automatic-return-for-void-functions easily by adding this to the end of shadowFunction()
if not ret and block:unterminated() then
table.insert(block.spec.exprs, AstExpr({op='return'}))
(To cover a couple of details: not ret
in this context denotes "no return type"; and I only have to run this code once per function, not every block, because the rules that got us to this point will have already set spec.exit
on every block except the final one.)
Problem #3 is a little more subtle than this, and is an accidental byproduct of the way I chain blocks in a do._if
or do._while
. In my sample, main()
has a return type. It ends with a do._if
, both branches of which end with an explicit return. But! When I run shadowFunction()
to process all this, the do._if
silently creates a block for the code following the do._if
. But there is no code following the do._if
, therefore nothing ever puts a return into the implicitly created block, therefore LLVM is unhappy.
This is, unambiguously, the fault of the shadow language code— it’s specifying an invalid block. However, wisely or unwisely, I decide to fix the problem in the AST code. The shadow language created a nonsensical situation here, but it created a detectably nonsensical situation.
The thing that’s weird about the blocks in the do._if
is that they have spec.exit
set (because do._if
sets it unconditionally) but they also end with a do._return
(because that’s what’s in the code). I decide to make it a rule that if a block ends with a branch or return, any redundant spec.exit
is ignored. This literally requires nothing more than adding the words and self:unterminated()
to the code in ast.lua
that processes self.spec.exit
if self.spec.exit and self:unterminated() then
self.exit = backend.currentBody:registerBlock(self.spec.exit)
Problem solved; if the redundant self.spec.exit
is not processed, the useless extra block is never registered, which means it’s not in the function, which means LLVM never finds out about it and has nothing to complain about.
These last two errors fixed, I can build my program—
$ luajit generate.lua 2> main.asm && cc -o main main.o
$ wc -l main.asm
63 main.asm
$ ./main 1024
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
The generated assembly is 63 lines, whereas the printFactors program in the shadow language is 36 lines— for the first time in this project, my code to generate a program is shorter than the assembly it generates!— and the program works.Implementing the "shadow language" completely took only three days; the writeup of it you’ve just finished reading took over a week.
Here’s the code so far; the "printFactors" program is in generate.lua
and the test snippets are in tests
. Since I showed you shadow.lua only in fragments, you can see its full final version here.
What did I just do here?
So: I now have something that looks a lot like source code in an invented language, can be written like source code, but is actually Lua that manually constructs a program.
Is this useful? Why did I do this?
I guess when I originally started this mini-project, I thought I was actually going to write programs in the shadow language. I thought implementing the shadow language would be easier than implementing a toy language, and that once I was done I’d be able to do cool things while writing code because I could harness the full power of Lua as a macro language. This Lua macro thing is something I can do with the shadow language I’ve got— I could dump this into one of my source files:
function swap(_var, f1, f2)
_var.___TMP = _var[f1]
_var[f1] = _var[f2]
_var[f2] = _var.___TMP
And then anytime I’m in a construction function I could say swap(_var, 'x', 'y')
and this would generate three lines of code to swap x
and y
. Neat, I guess?
In practice, none of this turns out to be compelling. The shadow language is just a little too ugly (both aesthetically and conceptually). The "printFactors" program is full of distracting meaningless function
s and _
s. The macro snippet above is neat but not particularly attractive, and is certainly not intuitive to read. The final shadow language is no better than any existing language, and even if I started adding features that justified the language’s existence I’d still be better off installing LPEG and writing a conventional language with a conventional parser to host those features. So that didn’t work out.
Still, I think what I made here turns out to be a useful stepping stone toward a larger project. Let’s say I next try to make an actual compiled programming language. Well, first off, I’ve now got a serviceable first-pass AST for it, so that’s cool. But even beyond that, I think the shadow language will be useful as a prototyping tool. As I go, I’ll want to design features— things to do with memory management or typechecking, maybe. I think adding interfaces to those features in the shadow language— which is just calling functions from Lua in a particular order, after all— will be a lot easier than fitting them into a "real" language syntax. And writing tests for my features in the shadow language will be easier than writing out ASTs by hand (since the ASTs are super easy to generate in code, but a total pain to write in a text editor).
With all this in mind, here’s what I think I’m going to work on next:

Yes, that’s right: I’m going to read the Legend of Zelda manga and eat Wheat Thins. Stay tuned!
Any code snippets in this post, or in the BitBucket revisions linked in this post, are available under the Creative Commons Zero license.